Precise Editing Made Simple Using Nik Viveza on Outdoor Photos
Presentation by: Dan Hughes
July 23, 2021
If you’ve ever wanted to alter just one color in a photo without affecting the rest of the image, you’ll know how difficult and frustrating that can be. Nik Viveza makes manipulating color as simple as a few clicks of your mouse. Viveza lets you change colors, hues, tones, and saturation anywhere in an image.
Discover how you can enhance your outdoor images by using new color Presets, more precise Control Points, and a totally new redesigned interface! Take control and see how you can make editing fun and easy!
About the instructor: Dan Hughes is an award-winning photographer and esteemed photography faculty member at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Dan’s personal practice revolves around experimentation with careful analysis with more than 15 years in the photography industry ranging from commercial photography to fine art printmaking all the way to software development and photography education.