Tiny Landscapes: Using Nik Viveza & Nik Color Efex for Creative Macro Images
Special Guest: Mike Moats
July 30, 2021
In this webinar, Mike Moats, (an international award-winning, and professional macro photographer), will work with two of his favorite Nik Collection programs: Nik Color Efex, and Nik Viveza. Mike will demonstrate how he uses some of the creative filters in Nik Color Efex, and how they add a unique look to his images. Also covered with be Nik Viveza, which Mike uses to selectively fine-tune the exposure and color adjustment.
He will be demoing using Windows and Photoshop Elements as the host application.
Bio: Mike Moats is an international award-winning full-time professional macro photographer from Michigan. He is a Tamron Image Master, and his articles and images have been published in many photo magazines for over 15 years. He has a Macro Photo Club online with members from 25 countries. Mike teaches workshops and speaks at photo conferences throughout the US. http://www.tinylandscapes.com